


join Planet Green free ink Recycle program and Fundraise with Planet Green


 It's FREE, EASY, and You'll Raise Money While Helping the Environment.

No Obligations, Nothing to Sign!


Planet Green Recycle has the BEST Customer Service

“I have found the customer service department very helpful whenever I’ve had to call, which is rare. Collecting and mailing the cartridges is extremely easy and there is no cost whatsoever. We are happy that we receive money for recycling and also help the environment.” –  Judy Blair, Family Services Incorporated

The Planet Green Recycle Program is an Environment Friendly Fundraiser

“Recycling is a way for us to be environmentally friendly.  Planet Green was a great way for us to be responsible and to raise money for our American Cancer Society Relay for Life Team.” – Debbie Schector, Relay for Life Team Semtech



The Planet Green Recycle Program is SUPER Easy! Planet Green provides support to promote program, download/print FREE pre-paid shipping labels, and more.

“Our elementary school has been so pleased to work with Planet Green the last couple of years. The process is very simple (you don’t even have to log in the cartridges you send), payment is super fast. In this tough environment where our district is cutting millions from its budget, every dollar we make through Planet Green is put to good use.” – Cindy Sherwood, Oso Grande Elementary School



The Planet Green Recycle Program is a Win/Win/Win – Raise funds for important causes, save the environment & support a USA remanufacturer (Planet Green).

“All in all, Planet Green Recycle is a fabulous and unique recycle program to begin with, and what makes it so powerful and effective is that everybody wins; literally.” – Leah Prunty,  Leah Prunty Dance Arts
