
About Planet Green

About Planet Green 

Hello and Welcome to Planet Green,

Established in 2000, we set our mission to create quality products, great service, and long-lasting relationships with our customer across the nation. Based in Chatsworth, California where we take great pride in Re-Manufacturing High-Quality Ink Cartridges right here in the U.S.A. Our professional management team, well trained technicians, and dedicated staff are the cornerstone to our ongoing success. With these guiding values, Planet Green continues to be the partner of choice for customers who deserve nothing but the best. We want to thank all our customers and our U.S suppliers for all the support throughout the years!


DoorStepInk Brand

State-of-the-Art Manufacturing

Remanufacturing facility

Our certified, state-of-the-art, 35,000 square foot facility exemplifies stream-lined production, and remanufacturing excellence. We continue to customize our manufacturing techniques and production equipment to ensure our products meet the highest standards while delivering great value to our customers.

Quality Assurance

Print Quality

Having solid knowledge of the inner workings of every cartridge allows us to construct our quality assurance & testing procedures to make certain our cartridges perform to the same specifications as the original equipment manufacturer brand. Testing includes lifetime performance, duration, color breadth, and page yields.

Technology Center

Technology Center


Here at Planet Green, we have a long history of innovation. To produce the highest quality ink cartridges, we have taken control of our own technological destiny. Our in-house technology center researches, designs, and creates our own equipment, tools, and production systems.

Research & Development

Research and Development

At Planet Green, our continuous advancement and improvement is the result of our vigorous research and development efforts. Process engineering, production planning, automation, new technological advancements, chemical analysis, advanced technical training are only a few areas of concentration and investment.



