
Planet Green Recycle Blog

  • A New National Strategy to Tackle Plastic Pollution in the U.S.

    , by Planet Green A New National Strategy to Tackle Plastic Pollution in the U.S.

    Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental challenges globally. The World Bank estimates that each person generates an average of 1.6 pounds...

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  • The Devastating Impact of Overproducing Plastics

    , by Planet Green The Devastating Impact of Overproducing Plastics

    Plastics pollute throughout their entire life cycle, from extraction as fracked gas and oil to production at petrochemical factories, through their use in consumer products,...

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  • Combatting Plastic Waste: How We Can Make a Real Difference

    , by Planet Green Combatting Plastic Waste: How We Can Make a Real Difference

    Plastic pollution has become one of the most critical environmental challenges of our time. From remote oceanic expanses to urban waterways, plastic debris is pervasive,...

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  • This Earth Day: Planet vs Plastics

    , by Planet Green This Earth Day: Planet vs Plastics

    The Earth stands as a magnificent cradle of life; a testament to the wonders of our universe. Hosting billions of humans alongside trillions of other...

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