Planet Green Recycle Blog
, by Planet Green Earth Day Matters - Here’s Why
Once a year people tend to clean through their homes and recycle clothing, books, games and electronics they haven’t used in the past year. It...
, by Planet Green The importance of recycling and remanufacturing ink cartridges.
It would great to see a photo of an ink cartridge that has broken down naturally with time. The problem is, there simply aren’t any...
, by Kathleen Merz Celebrate National Recycle Day with Planet Green Recycling
National Recycle Day: Celebrate by eradicating plastic waste from inkjet cartridges.
, by Kathleen Merz How to stop being a dumping ground for overseas inkjet cartridges in the U.S.
In the United States, there is no real oversight on imported inkjet printer cartridges. As cloned ink and toners flood the U.S. market at lower...