Plan Ahead for the Launch of Your Fundraising Campaign?

Plan Ahead for the Launch of Your Fundraising Campaign?

, by Planet Green, 2 min reading time

As you're planning to launch your fundraising campaign, there are several things you can do to prepare and help guarantee success:

  1. Define your goals: Sit and take time to determine the specific goals of your campaign, such as the amount you aim to raise, the timeline for the campaign, and the specific initiatives or projects that the funds will support.

    With Plant Green Recycle’s ink cartridge fundraising campaign, you can create an ongoing fundraiser. As your network of associates will likely continue to have empty ink cartridges throughout the year, your fundraiser can create a regular flow of funding by revisiting your associates with reminders throughout the year.

    Every time they have empties, they can send them in to Planet Green Recycle on your organization’s behalf.

  2. Identify your audience: Determine who your target audience is and what motivates them to give. This could include friends and family, co-workers, current supporters, and community members. Organize your lists of email contacts into groups and add a personal connection where you can to each select group of contacts.

  3. Develop a compelling story: Include a compelling narrative that explains why your cause is important and why people should support it. You may not need to include emotional appeals but some specific examples of the impact that their inclusion in your campaign will make will help to get them involved.

  4. Build a strong network: Reach out to your existing network of supporters and partners to get their support for your campaign. Not just that they will contribute their empty ink cartridges, but ask them to share your fundraiser through their social networks and with their network of associates. Always use your Program ID Number to ensure that their associate participation with benefit your fundraising campaign.

  5. Use multiple platforms: Email is going to be the best method of direct communication for your outreach, but the use of Social Media is going to make it easy to spread the word about your fundraiser. Post to Facebook, Instagram and even your LinkedIn page. Ask the people in your network to share with their friends and give them collateral that can help. We have images and text you can use to get started here:

  6. Keep track of your efforts: Make a spreadsheet or keep a notebook of who you have contacted and when. This will help you know who to reach out to as your campaign grows and helps organize the friends you’ve asked to share the word. Keep track of the people who’ve helped and remember to thank them personally. It goes a long way.

By taking these steps and being well-prepared, you can increase your chances of success in your fundraising campaign. Share your campaign now and let your friends know that by taking part, they’re doing more than just raising funds, they’re helping to protect the planet from ink cartridge waste.


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